2019年10月15日 星期二

108高考英文 詳解

31-35 AABCB
36-40 BACAD
41-45 BDCBA
46-50 ABCDA


31. The only reasons for the old man to leave the house were to run important _____ or visit the doctor.
(A) errands 差事、跑腿
(B) debris 殘骸
(C) utensils 工具
(D) summons 召喚(v.)
本題考字彙片語掌握度,run errands在劍橋字典中英譯為 to go out to buy or do something,依題意(A)為最適合選項

32. When you read this introductory chapter, list the points you have identified as especially _____ to your organization and keep them in mind.
(A) relevant 相關的
(B) incompetent 不稱職的、不勝任的 字首in(否定意味)+competent勝任的
(C) naturalistic 自然主義的 形容詞字尾-istic通常用在-ism或-ist結尾的名詞
(D) arbitrary 偶然、任意的

33. We may easily _____ salespeople who approach us on the street, but we often surrender without knowing it to the ultimate salesman: mass media.
(A) rebound 彈回;反彈
(B) reject 拒絕 相近意思的還有refuse, deny, decline, exclude, object
(C) reduplicate (使)加倍;(使)重複;(使)重疊
(D) repeat 重複
相較於面對「媒體」這個終極銷售員我們總是無力招架,對於街上向我們靠近的推銷員,我們卻能很容易的.......? 前後以but連接表示意義上的轉折,故依題意選(B)

34. Trash is a problem that has _____ humans since they moved into cities. And dealing with it is messy and expensive.
(A) embarked 上船、飛機等(to go on to a ship or an aircraft)
(B) enacted 立法、實行、實施
(C) plagued 不斷困擾;折磨;使受煎熬(vt.)
(D) obliged 責成;強迫,迫使 用法為[ oblige + 受詞 + to原v. ]

35. The _____ factor that contributes to having so many immigrants move into this country is mainly about economic reasons.
(A) risk 風險
(B) push 推力
(C) impact 影響
(D) gravity 重力、地心引力
push factor在劍橋字典英譯為 something that makes people want to leave a place or escape from a particular situation,故依題意選(B)

36. Malaria was believed to be on the verge of _____ when people thought that the introduction of insecticides signaled the end of the malaria-carrying mosquito.
(A) persuasion 追求
(B) eradication 字根eradicate有根除;消滅;杜絕的意思
(C) domination 主導
(D) contamination 污染
on the verge of...有在...邊緣的意思,本題乍看下雖然只知道(A)和(C)的意思,但從句首malaria和句尾的malaria-carrying mosquito可推測malaria為一種疾病,並藉由蚊子傳染,而自從insecticides被採用後就象徵了這種東西的結束。依題意可推知選擇有滅除意思的(B)。

37. Lured by false promises of a good job, a stable conflict-free environment or even a loving romantic relationship,victims of human _____ are then pushed into forced labor or sexual exploitation.
(A) trafficking 販賣(人口) traffic雖然是交通的意思,但作動詞使用時則常用在人口販運
(B) slavery 奴隸
(C) migration 移民
(D) distribution (人或物的)分佈,分配

第 38 題至第 41 題為篇章結構,各題請依文意從四個選項中選出最合適者,答案選用不能重複


  The suspected suicide of actor and comedian Robin Williams is being linked, in part, to depression. Many Americans suffer from the condition. But, many also are trying to help people with depression. They are finding ways to bring attention to depression and ways to treat it.
  For example, thousands of people take part in what are called “Out of the Darkness Walks.” 38 They also hope to raise money for suicide prevention efforts and research into depression.
  Steve Iselin served in the Navy for 20 years. After his retirement, he began to look for another job. That is when he began feeling hopeless. He said,“I had a great sense of dread every day. Agony is another word that comes to mind. I didn’t want to do anything that I would normally like to do. I had no interest in seeing other people.” Steve Iselin did find a job. But he left after one week because he told himself he could not do the work. Everything he did seemed very difficult. Decisions were painful, even having to choose what he would wear that day or what to eat. Mr. Iselin was suffering from depression.
  Bob Gebbia heads the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. He says being depressed is very different from being sad or having a bad day. He says that about 20 million people are found to have clinical depression in the United States every year.  39 He notes that some people are more likely than others to get depressed. “Let’s say you lose your job, divorce, or, you know, a loss of someone.”
  After Robin Williams’ death, the American Foundation for the Prevention of Suicide released a statement. The foundation said Mr. Williams: “brought laughter into every life he touched; Robin also suffered from depression 40 Every 13 minutes someone dies from suicide, and it is among the top ten causes of death in the U.S.” The group said more needs to be done to prevent suicides. It called for greater attention to mental health issues, warning signs, and effective forms of intervention and treatment.
  Steve Iselin was lucky. His wife recognized the signs of depression. She helped him get the expert care he needed. But he says that was not true of his brother’s son. Mr. Iselin says his nephew became depressed a few years later and killed himself. A year after his nephew’s death, Mr. Iselin visited his brother in San Francisco and heard about the “Out of the Darkness Walks.” The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention organized the event. Both men took part. 41 Since then, Steve Iselin has volunteered with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, taking part in many community walks.

(A) Mr. Gebbia says the cause could be a combination of genetic influences, changes in brain chemistry or environmental reasons.
(B) Steve Iselin said that was the first day his brother understood that perhaps he was not to blame for his son’s death.
(C) The walkers remember loved ones they lost to suicide.
(D) It is our hope that we are able to have an open conversation that depression and addictions are real illnesses that can sometimes be fatal.
空格前面講的是“Out of the Darkness Walks”這項活動,空格後句首又是They,指的應是選項(C)中的The walkers,依題意(C)也最為恰當。

(A) Mr. Gebbia says the cause could be a combination of genetic influences, changes in brain chemistry or environmental reasons.
(B) Steve Iselin said that was the first day his brother understood that perhaps he was not to blame for his son’s death.
(C) The walkers remember loved ones they lost to suicide.
(D) It is our hope that we are able to have an open conversation that depression and addictions are real illnesses that can sometimes be fatal.
這段中Bob Gebbia這個人物出現了,空格前一句講的是美國憂鬱症的概況,後一句點出某些類型的人比起其他人更容易有憂鬱傾向。同樣以刪去法刪去(B)和上一題出現的(C),依題意(A)選項在解釋某些類型的人比起其他人更容易有憂鬱傾向的cause(原因),為最適合的選項。

(A) Mr. Gebbia says the cause could be a combination of genetic influences, changes in brain chemistry or environmental reasons.
(B) Steve Iselin said that was the first day his brother understood that perhaps he was not to blame for his son’s death.
(C) The walkers remember loved ones they lost to suicide.
(D) It is our hope that we are able to have an open conversation that depression and addictions are real illnesses that can sometimes be fatal.
這段首先提及了Robin William的死,空格前一句指出他也深受憂鬱症困擾,後一句更進一步指出每13分鐘就有人死於自殺。(A)(C)選項均在前面用過了,且(D)選項最後一個字fatal有致命的意思,有將憂鬱症與自殺連接的意味,為最適合選項。

(A) Mr. Gebbia says the cause could be a combination of genetic influences, changes in brain chemistry or environmental reasons.
(B) Steve Iselin said that was the first day his brother understood that perhaps he was not to blame for his son’s death.
(C) The walkers remember loved ones they lost to suicide.
(D) It is our hope that we are able to have an open conversation that depression and addictions are real illnesses that can sometimes be fatal.
可用刪去法選出(B),且本段在描述Steve Iselin個人和他的兄弟參與“Out of the Darkness Walks”這項活動的背景,故(B)為最符合題意之選項。

請依下文回答第 42 題至第 45 題:


As people woke up at dawn on the farm, one person was already up. 42 An old man from Thailand claimed he has not slept for 33 years: “My insomnia started many years ago after I got a fever. 43 But nothing helps.” Amazingly, since then he has never once been ill. He spent the day farming and taking care of his pigs and at night he patrols the village. 44 Doctors said a chronic lack of sleep often causes anorexia, lethargy and irritability. 45  He was certainly one of them.
(A) Anyway, he went to bed in the morning. 
(B) Furthermore, he came back from nightshift.
(C) Indeed, he has always been asleep.
(D) In fact, he hasn’t even been to bed.

(A) All the people blamed me. 
(B) I did not have money to see the doctor.
(C) I have tried everything.
(D) The fever was long gone.

(A) He always disrupted his neighbors’ work during the day.
(B) He also helped to wake his neighbors up when there was a need. 
(C) He got very grumpy and everybody was annoyed with him.
(D) He got very ill and could not work at all.

(A) But there were exceptions. 
(B) Cases can vary.
(C) It could be even worse. 
(D) No remedy can cure him.

第四部分: 閱讀測驗
請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:


  Those who doubt the power of human beings to change Earth’s climate should look to the Arctic, and shiver. There is no need to pore over records of temperatures and atmospheric carbon-dioxide concentrations. The process is starkly visible in the shrinkage of the ice that covers the Arctic ocean. In the past 30 years, the minimum coverage of summer ice has fallen by half; its volume has fallen by three-quarters. On current trends, the Arctic ocean will be largely ice-free in summer by 2040.
  Climate-change sceptics will shrug. Some may even celebrate: an ice-free Arctic ocean promises a shortcut for shipping between the Pacific coast of Asia and the Atlantic coasts of Europe and the Americas, and the possibility of prospecting for perhaps a fifth of the planet’s undiscovered supplies of oil and natural gas. Such reactions are profoundly misguided. Never mind that the low price of oil and gas means searching for them in the Arctic is no longer worthwhile. Or that the much-vaunted sea passages are likely to carry only a trickle of trade. The right response is fear. The Arctic is not merely a bellwether of matters climatic, but an actor in them.
  The current period of global warming that Earth is undergoing is caused by certain gases in the atmosphere, notably carbon dioxide. These admit heat, in the form of sunlight, but block its radiation back into space, in the form of longer-wave-length infra-red. That traps heat in the air, the water and the land. More carbon dioxide equals more warming--a simple equation. Except it is not simple. A number of feedback loops complicate matters. Some dampen warming down; some speed it up. Two in the Arctic may speed it up quite a lot.
  One is that seawater is much darker than ice. It absorbs heat rather than reflecting it back into space. That melts more ice, which leaves more seawater exposed, which melts more ice. And so on. This helps explain why the Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the planet. The deal on climate change made in Paris in 2015 is meant to stop Earth’s surface temperature rising by more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels. In the unlikely event that it is fully implemented, winter temperatures over the Arctic ocean will still warm by between 5°C and 9°C compared with their 1986-2005 average.
  The second feedback loop concerns not the water but the land. In the Arctic much of this is permafrost. That frozen soil locks up a lot of organic material. If the permafrost melts its organic contents can escape as a result of fire or decay, in the form of carbon dioxide or methane (which is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2). This will speed up global warming directly--and the soot from the fires, when it settles on the ice, will darken it and thus speed its melting still more.

46. Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph?
(A) To raise doubts about the optimism that climate-change disbelievers express.
(B) To introduce potential commerce that an ice-free Arctic ocean may bring.
(C) To indicate incomplete knowledge people have of the Arctic’s economy.
(D) To differentiate the views of those who fear climate-change from those who don’t.

47. Which of the following best describes the function of the last two paragraphs?
(A) They narrow the scope of the topic introduced in the first two paragraphs.
(B) They explain the rationale for the Arctic ocean’s increasing melting speed.
(C) They cite the most striking instances implemented after the 2015 Paris deal. 
(D) They present the feedback loops that slow down the Arctic’s warming process.
最後兩段在說明為何"Two in the Arctic may speed it up quite a lot",依題意,提到加快融化速度的(B)會是最適合的選項。

48. Which of the following phrases best corresponds to the words “much darker” in the beginning of paragraph four?
(A) more mysterious 
(B) less brilliant 
(C) more troublesome
(D) less distinctive

49. Which of the following is the tone of the passage?
(A) pleading 懇求的
(B) sarcastic 諷刺的 
(C) conclusive 總結的
(D) alarming 警告的

50. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) The Arctic is not only an indicator of global warming but also a main cause of it.
(B) The Paris deal is the only solution to slowing down the Arctic’s ice shrinkage rate.
(C) The organic contents released in the Arctic’s melting process will benefit global economy. 
(D) There is not enough study about the global warming that Earth is undergoing.

2017年7月13日 星期四

106高考英文 詳解


31-40  DDADB/DADBA 克漏字

41-45  BDCCA 段落填空

46-50  ADACB 閱讀測驗



Supporters worried that the revelation of the scandal may _____ the reputation of their preferred legislator candidate.
(A) endeavor 努力、意圖

(B) magnify 放大、擴大  

(C) accelerate 加速  

(D) jeopardize 危及



Many charities are devoted to supporting the _____  in society, such as providing food and clothes.
(A) dissident 意見不同者  

(B) omnipotent 全能的  

(C) indicator 指示  

(D) indigent 貧窮的



When the demonstration became violent and out of control, the police should take action to _____.
(A) intervene 干涉、介入  

(B) accumulate 累積  

(C) automate 自動化  

(D) elevate 舉起、使上升



The best way to avoid committing _____ is to always document the sources you use and respect the intellectual property rights of others.
(A) suicide 自殺

(B) vandalism 破壞行為

(C) harassment 騷擾

(D) plagiarism



The protesters marched through the streets of the city _____ a legal status in negotiations with their employers.
(A) declining 婉拒

(B) demanding 要求、請求

(C) distinguishing 區別、辨識出

(D) distributing 分配



After making a racist joke, the host apologized that it was never her intent to ____ anyone.

(A) entertain 使有興趣、考慮

(B) defend 防守、保衛

(C) soothe 緩和、使平靜

(D) offend 冒犯



After a few minutes' preparation, the chair starts the meeting, introduces the ____, invites the first speaker to make his/her proposal, prevents interruptions, brings in other speakers, summarizes, etc.

(A) agenda

(B) advert 注意、談到

(C) artery 動脈、幹線要道

(D) angler 垂釣者、用不正當手段牟取好處的人



The oldest child in a family often ____ quickly, learning early to take responsibility for his/her siblings.

(A) coincides 相符、巧合;同時發生

(B) declares 聲明

(C) interacts 互相影響、互動

(D) matures 成熟



People who use the ____ style of communication appear to put themselves last and seem to consider themselves inferior to others.

(A) definite 明確的、肯定的(常見單字:definitely)

(B) submissive 服從的、順從的

(C) coherent 一致的、協調的

(D) insane 瘋狂的、精神病的

本題要選出,什麼樣的溝通型態,會把自己視為下級、次級的角色,可先用刪去法刪掉(A)(D),而(C) coherent的字根cohere 有前後連貫的意思,與題意並不相符,故選出(B)。


Almost one thousand people have been ____ because of the devastating forest fire that began last night. Over fifty buildings and homes have been destroyed.

(A) evacuated 撤離

(B) evaluated 評價

(C) substituted 代替

(D) suspected 懷疑


- - - - -

Giant pandas have better ears than people — and polar bears. Researchers found out that pandas can    41    surprisingly high frequencies. The scientists played a range of tones for five zoo pandas trained to    42    a target in response to sound. Training took three to six months for each animal and     43    serious focus and patience, which, according to an expert, was “a lot to ask of a bear.” Both males and females heard into the range of a “silent” ultrasonic dog whistle. Polar bears, the only other bears scientists have tested, are    44     sensitive to sounds at or above 14 kilohertz. Researchers still don’t know why pandas have ultrasonic hearing. The bears are a    45    bunch, but their chirps and other calls have never been recorded at ultrasonic levels. Great hearing may be a holdover from the bears’ ancient past.

41. (A) taste (B) hear (C) see (D) touch

42. (A) call (B) lose (C) miss (D) nose

43. (A) discounted (B) dedicated奉獻 (C) demanded (D) declared聲明(本單字出現2次了)

44. (A) more (B) much (C) less (D) equally

45. (A) vocal聲音的、用言語表達的 (B) visual視覺的 (C) receptive (D) tactile觸覺的

- - - - -

The student market in the UK is estimated to be worth £13 billion of spending power in a year. It is a market no company should ignore. Marketers are desperate to get students’ attention before they turn into high-earning graduates. But students are hard to reach and cynical. How can brands target them?

Youth market trends analyst Sean Pillot de Chenecey advises companies who hope to market to students. He says there is no single strategy. Students organize their life on their mobile phones, respect brands that are ethical, but worry more about how they are going to pay off their debt than world peace. To get students’ attention, marketers must offer them
something that adds to their lives. It isn’t enough to simply sponsor a music tour: they have to make the event happen. For example, Carling (a beer manufacturer) introduced live music at train station.

Offering students help with their education and careers is an effective marketing method. The Guardian newspaper runs careers fairs and offers discounts on its products, such as Guardian Student, a 32-page newspaper.

Red Bull, a successful energy drinks brand, uses what it calls “energy teams” on university campuses. The company recruits teams of students and gives them a Red Bull car, which has a fridge. The students offer samples and give information about the product benefits. They do this on campus at sporting events and at times of the year when students might need an energy boost. “It’s extremely important that it is a student doing this and not a company sales rep,” says the company’s consumer manager who runs the scheme. “You need to have an approach that doesn’t look like a sales pitch.”

Having an insider on campus can help marketers understand student life. Youth marketing agency, Virgin D3, has a database of students who act as “field staff”. They ask them for help when planning an event at their university. Perhaps, by getting ideas from the students themselves, companies can find ways to reach this difficult market.

46. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) Marketing to student consumers
(B) Helping student consumers with their education
(C) Offering discounts to student consumers
(D) Training student consumers to be field staff

47. According to the passage, what is NOT a characteristic of students?

(A) Establishing their social lives on mobile phones.
(B) Valuing brands that are ethical.
(C) Concerning their student loans.
(D) Prioritizing world peace.

48. Why does the author mention the newspaper The Guardian as an example in the passage?
(A) To illustrate a marketing strategy.
(B) To explain why student consumers are difficult to reach.
(C) To give marketers details of student life.
(D) To introduce a youth marketing agency.
本題直接看到 The Guardian在文中出現的第三段,粗體字為本段破題,指出這是一種有效的方法,後面說明實際的做法。故選(A)。

49. What does “pitch” mean in the passage?
(A) logo標示
(B) agenda議程
(C) promotion推銷
(D) bonus獎金、紅利

50. According to the passage, what do “energy teams” and “field staff” have in common?
(A) Both are companies with social responsibility.

(B) Both are marketing strategies.
(C) Both are sponsors.
(D) Both are high-earning graduates.


2013年11月18日 星期一

101年國營英文 詳解



1. 從第二句also可知Nigel不只喜歡音樂 故選only (not only的概念)

2. 星期二是完成報告的____什麼呢? 要選的是截止期限 也就是deadline(常說成死線?)

3. 保母藉由讀床邊故事來___哭泣的寶寶呢? 可知要選的是安慰soothe
    同義詞還有calm, comfort, ease 這些都有撫慰的意思

4. 假設這題你四個單字都看不懂 應該可先刪去C.arrangements 及D.requests
     arrange有安排、布置的意思 看到range怎麼樣也不會覺得跟題意有關係吧!
     request是要求(p.s quest有尋找、尋求的意思) A.precautions看到pre就知道有在...之前的意思
    題意是說要如何保護皮膚免於毒辣的艷陽 所以應該是做好事先的預防措施 選A

5. 這款智慧型手機的設計是怎樣非怎樣 後面說因為我們沒看到他有任何新的idea
    B.voluntary自願的 C.military軍事的也很常見 D.evolutionary字根evolution有進展、發展之意

6. 先把D.刪掉 (如果你也有看籃球的話) B.ripen是使成熟的意思 字根ripe成熟的(果實)
    A.devise 與advise做聯想-跟建議等有關 有設計、發明、策畫之意
    所以用刪去法選C. haul念起來是不是很有拉的感覺呢

7. 這題頗基本的 burn out就是累癱了 B.turn out有很多用法 通常是寫成It turned out to be...

8. Tony五分鐘前剛交班 所以他下班離開了  take off有休假; 匆忙離去的意思
    A.take effect產生預期的結果、生效 B.take over接管、掌握局勢 C.沒這用法

9. in awe of 一個片語 對導演的創意感到敬畏

10. confess to v-ing 承認

11. 題意知要問的是Sandra是不是在車內找她的眼鏡 look for是尋找的意思 在車裡用in
      交通工具的介系詞可參考 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/5679043

12. embarrassing 和 embarrassed都是形容詞尷尬的意思 差別在於前者用於事物後者形容人
      例如 exciting/excited 令人興奮的事物/感到興奮

13. 跟上一題概念很像 be motivated to 只要是形容人的感覺通常是ed而非ing

14. 我不認為他是故意把燈開著 on purpose也是故意的意思 選項中,intention是意圖
      但本題挖空的地方應該要填的是副詞來修飾 left the lights on這個動作 所以選C.

15. remember to v-r 記得要去做什麼 remember v-ing 記得做了什麼 題意用原型的remember

16. wish的用法 後面的be動詞一律改成were滿基本的

17. 這題也很基本 當人們想到咖啡通常就會先想到星巴克 選whenever

18. 如果我記得沒錯的話, 選C.serves me right

19. 從年初開始 直到目前已經做這個計劃做了一年 用現在完成式或現在完成進行式
      不過我認為選A是較好的答案 (現完進行式通常有強調該動作的意思)

20. 雖然成功機會渺茫 但是還是值得一試! it's a long shot字面意思是這個射擊很遠
      就是比喻成很難達成、不太可能的意思 滿實用的

21. 1955年第一座迪士尼樂園在加州開幕了
22. go on 繼續的意思
23. now是現在 故動詞加s
24. 大家都來迪士尼朝聖電影和什麼呢?當然是那些卡通人物囉character
25. 到迪士尼朝聖變成那些人畢生的夢想

26. 如果你老了你會擔心什麼? A和D可先刪掉 B.gamble是打賭、賭博之意 C.stumble絆倒
27.從下一句看出酒精對平衡有不好的影響 所以這句要選有關減少的單字 很明顯是B.reduce
28. ____obstacles 怎樣障礙物? 應該要選的是繞過吧! A.bypass
29. 題意要選的是導致、造成 A.sticks to是堅持 B.put off是拖延
30. 這題我選C.risk風險 答案是D.influence 我也不太會解釋...

四、Reading Comprehension

102年國營英文 詳解



1. 你去日本是去玩樂還是為了生意上的事? --visit

2. 為這個計畫提供建議--可知選A. contribute貢獻、提供

3. venture有冒險的意思,由題意知這個人靠著某一項商業上的投機賺了很多錢
    A.judical字根是judge顯然無關 B.賺錢的、有利可圖的 C.幸運的,字根fortune D.字根collect

4. 繩子鬆了把它重新拉緊 tighten是動詞 tight a.緊的

5. 空氣中飄浮著許多灰塵

6. 王永慶死了, as a business___ 在台灣很少有人能與他匹敵 可知應選icon 商業上的指標

7. 有聽過gossip girl嗎?

8. 叔叔有一個漂亮的房子並且房間內充滿著精緻的___? 可用刪去法刪掉B.C
    A.longitude看得出來和long有關--刪掉 答案為D.ornament裝飾品

9. punctual守時的-是常用單字 他每次遲到總會有____藉口呢?
    A.supersonic超音波的 B.colloquial口語的 C.clinical臨床的

10. ___通膨是指薪水增加了但卻變得沒有價值 可知要形容通膨的程度很嚴重
     C.rampant inflation 應該是指通膨無所不在 rampant有蔓延、猖獗、猛烈的意思
     Despite what Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says, rampant inflation is officially here.


11. success作名詞時通常加in 

12. A.B.都沒這種字 B應該是想表達damageable易損壞的 C.是形容已經損壞的 D.正解

13. 轉折語氣-許多古老的英文字在現存語言中仍保存著,雖然有些發音已經改變

14. 整句意思沒問題 provide用法是: provide sth. for sb.文中ways不是人所以先把C選項刪掉
      D也可直接刪 應為provide sb. with sth.剩下A.in B.of  先看看這篇論文的標題: 
      Successful Lecturing: Presenting Information in Ways That Engage Effective Processing

15. A.D.直接刪掉 B.results from是由於...的意思,意即後面加的東西才是原因 
      比較一下,result in是造成、導致,後面加的是一個結果,
      這題的題意是說有百分之九十的 車禍都是人為疏失造成(但翻成英文就是車禍的原因中,

16. 這題我寫錯,題意是說銀行會把利息直接轉到你的帳戶裡___instructed otherwise.
      後來我覺得看到otherwise應該就是選unless(除非)了 我卻選了while

17. 這題算簡單 這些演講/授課被出版了___有很多要求 當然是選回覆囉

18. 要注意你隨身攜帶的行李和___的行李? 滿明顯的是A. leave behind留下來的

19. 過去完成式

20. 本來是Jessica knows me very well. 中間加了一個形容詞子句 : _____when I need her
      我是先把BC刪掉 然後很直覺的答案就是D了


21. 觀光旅遊在各地區開始蓬勃發展?

22. draw 吸引

23. much應該是用在不可數名詞 every就直接every its neighbors應該不用再加of 所以只能選any

24. 前後文看來是想說:幾乎是2011年的兩倍 故選nearly

25. 看文章最後一句說現在大家住的離市中心比較近,
       可知前一句話是要說以前沒有住那麼市中心的地方 所以選outer(ring應該是指環狀)

26. 不太知道怎麼解釋 本來想選where的最後我選了once...

27. 應該是省略(which was)ordered

28. D.technique技術 可先刪掉,  C.expertise專業知識 刪掉 剩下A.practice B.theory 
      文中描述的是現在很夯的待用咖啡 應該不是理論 故選A

29. 我是B和D在猶豫 D.associate with 是聯想、把...聯想在一起 語意較不通順故選based on

30. 把這個idea擴展到餅乾和其他食物上,故選expanding



      在猶他州,小學學生到處玩並且不只可以流利說上自己的以及幾種不同語言,有法語,西班牙語,中文,很快的還有葡萄牙語. / 在美國,他們是其中之一最有野心企圖做這種total-immersion的語言教育計畫的州. / 這個計畫在2009的學年起步,當時共25校有1400個學生參加,而直到這個秋天將會包含100所小學的20000名學童,或者州內百分之二十的小學,將近九成五的學區都有參加直到12年級(高三?) / 申請: 在孩子上幼稚園或一年級以前線上申請--不同學區的規則不同-最後結果是抽籤決定 / 被選中的學生他們的課程將有一半是英文一半是外國語言課程.

31. 目前學生能說幾種外國語言 答案是法語西語中文三種 葡萄牙語是即將學完而已
32. A應該沒有所有學生而只有小學生 B沒提到 C是2009開始的沒錯 D沒提到
33. 100所是20% 所以全部大概有500所小學
34. A.pioneering開創的 B.不成功 C.小規模的 D.強迫的 只能選A
35. 抽籤決定所以是by chances


  • 第一段 作者住在越南的一個小村莊,人們與外界少有接觸,他們只能從親戚的信中得到對美國的印象,對他們來說,美國是一個充滿自由、機會和有許多財富的地方.就像是地球上的一處天堂,在美國沒有人為飢餓煩惱,大家都有錢,充滿著和諧.作者知道這簡直是神話但他還是繼續____?
  • 第二段  當有親戚中美國寄信來,信件就會被整個村莊傳閱,親戚在信中都只說他們在美國過的生活有多麼好,他們只提起自己的成功而非困難,這樣在越南小村莊的人們就不會擔心,他們只揭露出生活中好的一面,透過這樣保護了村莊裡的人們,但也因為這樣,他們對美國的觀點就被錯誤的形塑了.
  • 第三段  作者到了美國,終於了解到他童年的回憶就只是神話,他不只看到美國的富裕也看見貧窮,不只看見有錢人也看見許多遊民,然而當他寫信回去越南時,他提到的盡是美國的成功,作者知道自己正在為他的親戚們提供錯誤的訊息就像他小時候接收的資訊那樣,但他仍然知道這是必須的.因為他的村民需要擁有夢想,作者希望他們抱著日子會更好的希望過每一天,他這麼做是要確保在小村莊裡的人們不要失去他們的夢想.



2013年11月16日 星期六

100年國營英文 單字

  • thilanthropist  n. 慈善家
  • hypocrite  n. 偽善者,偽君子
  • contradiction  n.  
  1. 矛盾
  2. 否認;反駁;牴觸
  3. 自相矛盾的說法
  • antagonist  n. 敵手,對手;對立者
  • notary  n. 公證人
  • antique   a. 古代的,古老的,年代久遠的;古董的,陳舊的  n. 古物,古風   
    boutique  n. 精品店

  • knock out  完全擊敗或毀壞,使失去知覺
  • knock up  (使)筋疲力盡,賺得
  • knock back  狂飲,豪飲;(使)花費大筆錢;(使)震驚
  • knock around  
  1. TRAVEL 旅行 [I,T knock around sth] to travel to different places 到各處旅行; 漫遊; 流浪I ' ve knocked around a few places in my life.
  2. IDEAS 主意 [T knock sth around] to discuss and think about an idea, plan etc with other people 討論﹐商討We ' ve been knocking around a few ideas.

  • be opposed to+[n/V-ing]反對; 反抗; 妨礙
  • fall-fell-fallen 跌倒 vs. fell-felled-felled 砍伐
  • insist that+[原v/adj.]
The joke you told me really_____.

A. crack sb. up 
She ' s so funny . She cracks me up .   她非常滑稽﹐逗得我捧腹大笑。
B. get on sb.'s nerves 使某人心煩,刺激或煩擾某人
C. blow sb. up
D. choke sb. up 使緊張